Saturday, September 27, 2008

Les Poissons

I've been meaning to post about these dinners for over a week. What can I say, I'm lazy sometimes.

Both dinners started at the weekly Farmers Market, where I love to buy fish - if the line isn't too long. Which really only happens if I manage to get out of bed by 8 and head up to the market stat. Have I mentioned the market is on Sunday?

The first dish was dinner two Sundays ago. The fish is opah, which is really one of my favorites right now. I believe it's also called moonfish, in case you're looking for it in your local market. We've made it before using a great marinade of pineapple juice, limes, chiles, oil and salt. But this time we went very basic - oil, salt, pepper.

To play off of it, I roasted up some small eggplants and tomatoes in oil, salt and garlic (1-2 hours at 250 degrees farenheit) and plated the fish on top of it. The two went together brilliantly, if I do say so myself. The eggplants and tomatoes were almost like a chunky, hot marmalade with a nice, sweet flavor.

I'd also gotten some scallops that day and did them as an appetizer. Again we just went salt, pepper, oil and seared them quickly in a pan. We served them with a lemon butter sauce that didn't go well with the scallops - too bitter for my taste. Noah liked it more.

Now here's the nice thing about our fishmonger - she always throws in something tasty for free. This week it was a nice chunk of ahi tuni. She's kind of awesome, right?

I've never loved seared ahi the way some people do, but this made a great light protein with a big salad for dinner that Monday night.

In case you're wondering, the weird blue light on the fish is probably reflection from the TV as we watched Gossip Girl. Oh, Chuck Bass, you delightful schemer you.

Fingers crossed for an early trip to the market tomorrow and some more fun with fish.

1 comment:

nojorising said...

I heart les poissons...